The Center for Sustainable Mobility Technologies (可持续移动科技研究中心) is set up to lead research and innovation in the field of automotive technology as well as Industry Revolution 4.0. The mission of the Centre is to deliver sustainable technological solution for the universities, government agencies and industries involved in the research, development, manufacturing and services. There are numerous challenges and impact factors faced by the industry, which requires multi-disciplinary research and collaborations especially in engineering simulation, additive manufacturing, automation and system integration to transform into Industry Revolution 4.0. Thus, Research Centre for Sustainable Mobility Technologies (CSMT) is proposed to implement the research strategy and forms alliances to tackle those challenges and industry impacts.
CSMT current research strategy will focus on topics as proposed by the available expertise and resources based on the current industry challenges and technological impact factors. This bottom up approach can spur the academics’ creativities as the researchers have free hand to exploit ideas and interests based on their professional know how. However, the centre will continuously monitor the industry activities to deliver the solution in line with the industry needs in the future. Other than that, the centre will maintain comprehensive understanding of the requirement in Malaysia industry as well as mobility and transportation industry from upstream to downstream value chain, such as material processing to advanced manufacturing, assembly and equipment to knowledge management and information processing as well as the world wide R&D trends on the energy utilisation that have shifted to clean energy and renewable energy source.